Returning to my Art Hop roots, you'll find me this year at 420 Pine Street otherwise known as the Howard Space building. This is where my father's family had their appliance sales & service shop for it's cool to be back! Look for me and Jess on the second floor in Marie Davis' studio (D-3) which is reachable via front (Howard Street) entrance, or back stairs (parking lot behind Arts Riot.)
Festivities go from 5:30 - 10pm on Friday evening, run most of the day on Saturday, and wind down late afternoon on Sunday.
detail from the final page of The Evening Day and Grey, one of two stories I illustrated in The Crown of Secrets |
I'm designing prints from selected illustrations I did for The Crown of Secrets, and there will be lots of new greeting card designs.
Probably no new Advent calendar design this year, though I'll have plenty of the first three designs. Another project has come up which is keeping me very busy! More on that soon...
New drawings...I'm playing around with some fancy Crows when I have time between other projects. There will be prints of these as well as the originals debuting at ART HOP.
During last year's INKtober I focused on bears. When you're doing one drawing a day, you learn quite a bit about your subject, which is what led me to choose crows for my theme this October. I realized while doing the illustrations for "The Evening Day and Grey" just how little I know of crow anatomy and poses. I'm looking for good reference books if you have any suggestions.