Monday, September 10, 2012

Success! Another Art Hop wrapped and delivered.

Justin Atherton (No Grace) and myself on the final day of Art Hop 2012
photo courtesy of Jme Wheeler (Ink and Sugar)

Many thanks to all the awesome work that goes on behind the scenes at The S.P.A.C.E. Gallery and Art Hop in general, we had a great weekend.  People came, they saw, they chatted, they left with art.  

Of course, it's hard not to have a good time when you're spending time with a bunch of artists whom you've come to know and love; luring the general public into your studio space, and sending them home with new art or ideas to enjoy.  

I'm still learning the fine art of engaging strangers when they're looking at my art, but there were a few good conversations nonetheless.  One bonus of the quiet lulls between crowds:  I got to watch Justin start one of his acrylic paintings for the upcoming "Art of Horror" show, and also popped in while Beth Robinson worked on her doll pendants.  When I wasn't visiting, I worked on a few drawing ideas or moved pictures around in my display.  

Christy Mitchell, "Creative Facilitator" of S.P.A.C.E. and 266 curated not one but three shows for Art Hop weekend:  "20 Mediums" in the Soda Plant hallways, "Represent" in the main gallery of S.P.A.C.E., and "Five and Dime" in the Backspace.  
Here's my acrylic "Water and Sky" in the Represent show:

And here's a few shots of the corner studio Justin and I are sharing for September, taken right before Art Hop began on Friday.  Not too likely that we'll get back there to actually make art before the month is up, but the gallery staff are on hand Thursday through Saturday 11-4. 

Now that I've spent almost the entire day on the couch with Bernie I'm just about ready to get back to work on my own Art of Horror submissions.  Those should be posting in the next few days or so.  

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Art Hop Preview: Tea and Butterflies

Tea and Butterflies
Acrylic on mat board

©Sweet Enemy Art 2012
Almost have a series going on here!  One aspect of the painting that I wasn't able to capture here is the iridescent gold background.  It's slightly matte overall, and the white spots on the lizard actually appear to float a bit above that.  

Art Hop Preview: Telling secrets to a Butterfly

Telling Secrets to a Butterfly*
Pencil & Acrylic on paper

©Sweet Enemy Art 2012

*my titles are always malleable, often the people who buy the painting come up with a far better one!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Art Hop Preview: Classic Dog

A fanciful compilation of some dogs I've met.  Acrylic on paper, lots of fun layers on this one!

©Sweet Enemy Art 2012

Art Hop Preview: Rattus

Rattus:  A portrait

Graphite on paper.

©Sweet Enemy Art 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Art Hop Preview: Little Red Cloak

Little Red Cloak
Pairing up a little watercolor piece with a painted mat to complete the fairy tale feeling.
Outer dimensions are 5"x7"
This will be at the "5 and Dime" show in the BackSpace at S.P.A.C.E. Gallery for Art Hop!

Art Hop Preview: Jester Rabbit

More fun with the new mat cutter @Artists' Mediums.  And a little Jester Rabbit that came about when doodling with liquid acrylic and my pen nibs.  
©Sweet Enemy Art 2012

Monday, September 3, 2012

Art Hop Preview: Sunset Dog

Trying out some new canvases we just got @Artists' Mediums.  Sweet little 6x8 gallery wraps!
Here's a little white fox dog at sunset 
He'll be at Art Hop!
©Sweet Enemy Art 2012

©Sweet Enemy Art 2012

Great things happening this weekend!

In the past, I'd always have mixed feelings about my approaching birthday.  Sure, it was a time for party cake and sweet loot, but it also meant the beginning of the school year.  I was not the sort of kid who got excited for school to start.  So, despite the involuntary chills I still get whenever I see the school buses roll by, I am excited this year for my birthday for reasons other than sweet loot.

This year, my birthday falls smack-dab into the middle of Art Hop!

Art Hop is the biggest art party I know of in Burlington, and this year is their 20th in existence.  So I was a mere 16 years old when it first happened.  In those days, I wasn't a social butterfly by any means.  I had my circle of friends (who put up with me) and tended to be shy around most others, especially in class.  At least that's how I remember it...  But this year it's a full-on socializing event!

It'll be one long weekend of celebrating, as this year I'm also in a new location, my beloved SPACE GALLERY.  The schedule so far is as follows;
Friday September 7th:  11 a.m. to 11 p.m. (Art Hop officially begins at 5, but the gallery is open earlier)
Saturday September 8th:  10 a.m. to 11 p.m.  BIRTHDAY!
Sunday September 9th:  11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

I'm sharing a studio space with printmaker & painter extraordinaire Justin Atherton, and for the entire month of September our work will be on display there.  The gallery is open regularly Thursday through Saturday 11-4.

Here's a little peak at what my table looked like last night, and two pieces by Justin.  I'll have some more preview posts as the week goes on.

See you then!
A table full of art, and this is just some of it...
Sweet Enemy Art all over the place, getting ready...
Justin Atherton!

More Justin Atherton!