She said how that put her in mind of a bun coming after me with "at least fangs, possibly brass knuckles, maybe even a knife. Those cinnamon buns are a hot tempered bunch."
So here are a few sketches for her. I can't decide which to go with, so if she has a preference, that'll be the one.
(click on image to view larger, of course)
I am particularly enjoying the gold bling walnuts on the fully-decked out bun here on the bottom.
I just want to know how often the tag "size-of-a-baby's-head" will come up...
these are awesome. didn't come up when i was looking for size of a baby's head though. Killer Bun!
Now that I'm looking at these again, I'm thinking they look like ancient Egyptian mummy buns, rather than the hard-sugar-cored gangsters I first had in mind. Maybe I'll do a final version in time for Halloween...
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