Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Art openings this weekend

This Sunday is going to be jam-packed!
First, a quick drop-in with the Maternal family for a lake-side reunion (apparently the beaches have re-appeared, thank goodness.)  A quick family photo shall occur, (with promises that Arkonbey will photoshop himself in afterwards) some lemonade and hearty food shall be consumed, and maybe I'll dip my feet in the water.

Then it's off to Hinesburg!
There, I'll be attending the art opening at NRG Systems.  An awesome company, which has wisely hired the fantastic Sarah Lee  to both create really awesome art installations, and to expand the art collection both of the company and one of the founders.  Artists' Mediums has framed a vast majority of the work in this collection, and Sarah Lee also purchased two of my paintings last year, Front Wheel Fish and a Dragonfly piece, which are either in the co-founders' collection or the company collection (I will probably find out.)  
One of the artists in the collection, Larry Bissonette, is from the movie "Wretches and Jabberers" and he will be giving a presentation, which is probably going to make me cry.  In a good way.

Then, off to Jericho!

Michelle Saffran  
a photographic journey
Jericho, VT

Michelle is a member of my critique group, and a not-too-distant neighbor too!  I've been privileged to see some of her work from the Searchers series as it was developing.  These Doll Collection photos look very intriguing too.  So I'll be swinging by on Sunday to say hello at her opening.  Last time I went to one of her shows she also had a fabulous 50's style outfit, and we are talking cocktail formal.  I loved it!

Doll Collection 2 by Michelle Saffran

Hurrah New York!

Kristin RichlandA bit behind the times as usual, I just joined Twitter!  Not having a smartphone or anything, I mostly will be reading tweets and following links.  And some good things have certainly surfaced!  For instance, this one just came up, and it's full of "Awwwww."  Thanks to Kinokofry* for sharing:

 Rachel Edidin 
 by kinokofry

*  And by the way, if you haven't checked out Kinokofry yet, you might find her work amusing.    I've certainly amused myself for many hours, pouring over her multiple projects.  Her sense of humor makes me want to meet up with her for beer and cookies.  If anyone wants to get me over to Melbourne, that is.  

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Inking it up with New Duds

Alright, I have been camera-inept of late, so these images are really just me holding stuff in front of the laptop camera and keeping my fingers crossed.

But things are progressing decently in the silkscreening class I'm taking and it's only the second class.   A shout out to Torrey of New Duds, I'm having a blast!

First up:  something from my latest sketchbook (a bit of an homage to James Jean I suppose):

 Followed by the screen I burned at the end of class last night  (bear bus!)

Hopefully this weekend will yield some decent studio time both here in the home studio and at BCA.

Friday, July 15, 2011

A perfect summer day for Therese & James...

Thanks for your patience on this one!  Here is the value study, or at least what was able to fit on the scanner bed (there is actually a little more space on the left-hand side, and a bit below the ferns...)

Girl on the right is feeding something (apple slice?) to the horse.  I also intended for a stream to run along the bottom edge of the piece, so the group will be set back in space a bit more. Also, there would be some leaves for the two big trees.

Let me know what you think!


Thursday, July 14, 2011

For those of you in the local 802

I just got confirmation that I'll be in my usual spot for the upcoming SEABA Art Hop:
September 9th and 10th, 2011

Studio D-3 is on Howard Street in Burlington, VT,
pretty much in the heart of the BTV arts district!

Smack-dab, as I like to say.

I feel like I should have some sort of birthday treat for visitors, as I'll have turned 35 the day before.  Suggestions?

©Sweet Enemy Art