Sunday, June 6, 2010

Paintings find new homes

This year's Open Studio weekend was a wonderful experience, as I've mentioned previously.  Here are a few of the pieces that have found new homes:
First, Lizard With Sandwich (24x18")
Young Rabbit (10.5"x5.5")
Two of the following pieces sold, and of the one in pink & blue, I just realized I might not have a better image! Nuts! Perhaps I'll discover otherwise if I do a little digging...  Anyways, pink & blue is "You Listen To My Stories" and the other that sold is "Nest Egg."  
The last one I have an image of is the Polar Bears, done on an interesting shaped piece of paper (it's scooped in the upper right corner.) They're just hanging out, listening to some stories. In their cozy little igloo, perhaps.
(size @ 2.5"x4.5")


Don Snabulus said...

Congratulations on spreading good ideas through art. We look forward to more!

Sweet Enemy said...

Thanks Snab! I've got several more in the works..

Kristen Eaton said...

Yippee! Congratulations!